For Kids Sports Soccer Rules
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Over the past few years in traveling the country; The United States of America, I have surveyed kids and asked them if they play sports indeed many said that they played Soccer or Baseball and a few played pop-warner football, softball, basketball and hockey. But predominantly the standard answer was either baseball or soccer and mostly soccer. You see soccer for a kids sport seems to be one which is most favored.
As a kid I do remember that the AYSO American Youth Soccer Organization had a Motto; Everyone Plays Soccer. And the play and soccer formed the letters AYSO for the bumper stickers with this motto; pl-AY SO-ccer. Soccer indeed is a sport that all children who can run can play and it is also very popular with parents as well. They feel safer with their kids playing soccer rather than lets say boxing, hockey or football. That makes sense too of course.
Soccer seems to popular in every state almost without exception, even in colder climates children play in the summer time or have indoor soccer matches in the larger cities or well financed suburban cities. Soccer also is a sport, which helps keep kids fit and trim while teaching them hard work ethic, sportsmanship and team work. For all these reasons soccer appears to be the sport of choice for the next up and coming generation.
Lance Winslow, a retired entrepreneur, adventurer, modern day philosopher and perpetual tourist.
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